"For sex, a woman needs to be loved, but a man - no"

This is one of the common stereotypes about sexuality. It is refuted by our experts, sexologists Alain Eril and Mireille Bonierbal.

“Sometimes I am covered by such a desire that I simply cannot control myself, and then I feel only devastation,” the 22-year-old Cyril admits. – Sex is energy. Passion can pick up and tighten us. Partners excite each other, the

desire is growing, pleasure too, but I always know exactly what awaits me at the end is a feeling of emptiness, the feeling that I have not experienced something real. “

What affects our attraction, how it differs in men and women, and what, perhaps, is the same for both sexes?

Men confuse the excessive frankness of wives in bed

Alain Eril, psychoanalyst, sexologist

If we talk about women, today the situation is changing. For centuries, female education has been based on the fact that for a woman any sexual contacts without a sense of love are simply unthinkable.

However, in practice, as a doctor, I see that modern women sexually feel much more free when they are embedded in adventures than in the framework of marital life, where they are more concerned with the feelings of another.

I do not want to say that we are talking about sex as a useful exercise: women are always invested in the relationship of emotions, at least for a few moments. But many men continue to say: if my wife had done this and that, that would confuse me in bed. Obviously, such men lead a much more free and diverse sex life outside the marriage.

A woman needs to feel that she is interesting to a partner

Mirerea Bonierbal, psychiatrist, sexologist

According to sociological studies regarding the first sexual experience, 80% of girls entered into sexual relations by love, and 80% of boys – to quench their excitement and curiosity. So this is a common opinion more justified.

At a later age, a man with a strong Edipo component of the psyche – those who are unconsciously associated with the image of the mother – continue to separate “real” feelings and eroticism.

They remain in captivity of the opposition of the images of “mother” and “whores”, and an excess of feelings harms their erections. Pure or dirty, immaculate or fallen – it is obvious that such a contrast does not contribute to the heyday of relations within the pair.