8 signs that the time has come to move forward

Your life is not satisfied, but you cannot understand what exactly goes wrong? According to Coachy Lucia Giovanninini, these eight signs will help you understand that the time for changes has come.

We spend a lot of time pretending to be strong, maintain the status quo. Better stop knocking on closed doors. We are afraid of emptiness, but you need to remember that the new one can enter life only if you free up a place for him. According to Lucia Giovanninini, these 8 signs say that something needs to be changed in life.

1. … you are excessively strict to yourself

Excelled expectations are torn off from the real stream of life, make you forget about the present and think that you will be happy in the future. When there will be a new relationship, work, house and so on. Expectations are clamped between the past and future and do not allow you to enjoy the current moment.

How can you feel the magic of the present if the brain is busy with the wounds of the past and experiences about the future? Instead, try focus on the beautiful in your life now.

2. … others expect too much from you

Do not change yourself for the sake of others. It is better to stop communicating with someone, remaining yourself than to adapt to the interests of others. It is much easier to calm the broken heart than collect a broken personality by pieces. When we are in love, we tend to change ourselves for another person. What does it lead to? Does it make us happy? Brings harmony to the relationship? Stay yourself and you will never be alone.

3. … someone does not affect your mood well

Everyone likes to surround themselves with positive people. If one of the loved ones does not affect you well, because his words diverge from actions, stop this communication. It is better to be alone, “than with anyone”. Real friends, like true love, will never leave your life.

4. . You are persistently looking for love

It is impossible to make people love you, but you can work on yourself and become worthy of love. Do not ask people to stay in your life if they want to

Et j’ai caché ma fantaisie BDSM beaucoup loin. Avant que la sortie de “cinquante nuances de gris” était de deux ans, et il y a eu une petite information. Après une autre médicament érection de travail ennuyeuse, j’ai fait une demande “BDSM” dans le moteur de recherche. Parmi la pornographie et le grapomani, j’ai trouvé l’adresse du club dans ma ville natale. Bannière a lu: «Il y a un ensemble de personnel. L’expérience n’est pas requise! ” Et j’ai appelé. En fin de compte, je n’ai rien perdu!

leave. Love – freedom, and no dependence and coercion. Its end does not mean the end of the world. When a person leaves your life, he teaches you something important. Consider this experience in subsequent relationships, and everything will turn out as it should.

5. … you underestimate yourself

Often, people you love do not know the price of you, taking care of them, you spend energy that will not return.